Catalog Number:

Duration: 49 minutes, 48 seconds

Author: Dr. Sam Strong

Treating the Edentulous Arch with Removable Implant Overdentures Impression Technique


When it comes to treating the edentulous arch, there are various options available. In this article, we will explore the use of removable implant overdentures and the impression technique associated with it. We will discuss the different types of copings, frameworks, bars, and attachments that can be used, as well as the evolution of treatment options over the years.

The Treatment of Edentulous Arch

The treatment of the edentulous arch has come a long way. In the past, a roundhouse bridge with 8-10 implants was often the go-to option. However, advancements in dental technology have allowed for a simpler and more cost-effective procedure. Today, fewer implants can be used to achieve the desired results.

The Evolution of Treatment Options

Back in the 1980s, the hybrid appliance, with 5-6 implants, was commonly used to treat the edentulous arch. However, advancements in the field have made it possible to achieve the same outcome with as few as 4 implants. This not only simplifies the procedure but also reduces the overall cost for the patient.

Treating the Maxillary Edentulous Arch

When it comes to treating the maxillary edentulous arch, one of the options is a bar overdenture. This involves using a bar, which is supported by the implants, to anchor the denture in place. This provides stability and support, giving patients the confidence to eat and speak without any worries.

Treating the Mandibular Arch

For the mandibular arch, there are two options available – a bar overdenture or standalone attachments. A bar overdenture works similarly to the maxillary arch, with a bar supporting and stabilizing the denture. On the other hand, standalone attachments are used to secure the denture without the need for a bar. Both options offer stability and functionality to the patient.

Impression Technique for Removable Implant Overdentures

Now that we have explored the different treatment options, let’s delve into the impression technique associated with removable implant overdentures. This technique plays a crucial role in ensuring a precise fit and optimum comfort for the patient.

Step 1: Preliminary Impressions

The first step is to take preliminary impressions of the edentulous arch using an alginate-based material. This allows the dentist to get an initial model, which can be used as a reference during the fabrication process.

Step 2: Custom Tray Fabrication

Once the preliminary impressions are taken, a custom tray is fabricated using light-cured resin. This tray ensures a precise fit and provides stability during the final impression procedure.

Step 3: Border Molding

Border molding is a critical step that helps capture the contours and boundaries of the patient’s oral tissues. This is done using a thermoplastic material, which is molded over the custom tray. It allows for accurate recordings of the tissue anatomy and prevents any discomfort caused by the denture rubbing against the tissues.

Step 4: Final Impression

The final impression is then taken using a high-viscosity elastomeric material. This material ensures a detailed and accurate impression of the edentulous arch and the surrounding tissues. It is essential to get an impression that captures the maximum surface area to achieve a comfortable fit for the patient.

Step 5: Bite Registration

After the final impression, a bite registration is taken to record the patient’s occlusal relationship. This helps in properly aligning the denture with the patient’s bite and ensuring optimal functionality.


Treating the edentulous arch with removable implant overdentures offers an effective and affordable solution for patients who have lost all their teeth. With the advancements in dental technology, the procedure has become simpler and more cost-effective. The impression technique described above plays a crucial role in achieving a precise fit and ensuring patient comfort. By utilizing the appropriate tools and following the correct steps, dental professionals can provide their patients with a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the treatment of the edentulous arch using removable implant overdentures take?

The duration of the treatment can vary depending on several factors, such as the patient’s oral health and the complexity of the case. Typically, it can take several appointments over a period of a few months to complete the entire process.

2. Are removable implant overdentures a permanent solution?

Removable implant overdentures are considered a long-term solution for edentulous patients. However, regular dental check-ups and maintenance are necessary to ensure the longevity of the dentures and the overall oral health of the patient.

3. Are there any risks or complications associated with removable implant overdentures?

As with any dental procedure, there are certain risks and complications that may arise. These can include infection, implant failure, and discomfort. However, with proper pre-operative planning and post-operative care, the chances of experiencing these complications are significantly reduced.

4. Can removable implant overdentures be adjusted if needed?

Yes, removable implant overdentures can be adjusted if necessary. If the denture becomes loose or uncomfortable over time, a dental professional can make the necessary adjustments to ensure a proper fit and functionality.

5. How much do removable implant overdentures cost?

The cost of removable implant overdentures can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of implants required, the complexity of the case, and the geographic location. It is best to consult with a dental professional to get an accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

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