Catalog Number:

Duration: 48 minutes, 36 seconds

Author: Dr. Riccardo Ammannato

Tips and Tricks for Worn Dentition: Direct Index Technique and Indirect Composite-Ceramic Onlays Adhesive Management through a Noninvasive Approach I. Introduction – Understanding the index technique and indirect restoration for worn dentition – Importance of managing mock-up and cutting the transparent index II. The Index Technique: Impression and Vertical Dimension of Occlusion – Explanation of the index technique for worn dentition – Process of picking up impressions for accurate restoration – Opening the vertical dimension of occlusion for better results III. Indications of the Index Technique – Identifying cases suitable for the index technique – Determining the level of tooth wear and healthy hard tissue – Appropriate for cases ranging from light to severe tooth wear IV. Tips and Tricks for Cutting the Transparent Index – Importance of a transparent index in the index technique – Steps involved in cutting the transparent index accurately A. Selecting the right material for the index B. Preparing the index for the mock-up C. Trimming and adjusting the index for a perfect fit V. Managing the Mock-Up – Strategies for effective mock-up management – Creating a temporary restoration using the mock-up – Refining and adjusting the mock-up for optimal results VI. Noninvasive Approach to Adhesive Management – Benefits of a noninvasive approach in adhesive management – Preserving healthy tooth structure with minimal intervention – Using adhesive techniques for indirect composite-ceramic onlays VII. Alternative Approaches for Severe Cases – Exploring alternative approaches for very severe cases – Partial indirect restorations as an option for extensive tooth wear – Full crowns for cases where indirect onlays aren’t suitable VIII. Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. Can the index technique be used for all types of worn dentition? 2. What are the advantages of using a transparent index? 3. How long does the process of picking up impressions usually take? 4. Is the noninvasive approach suitable for all patients? 5. Are full crowns a permanent solution for severe cases of tooth wear?

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