Duration: 57 minutes, 11 seconds
Author: Dr. George Mandelaris
I. Introduction to Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT) A. Definition and purpose of SFOT B. Importance of SFOT in periodontal specialty practice II. Evolution of periodontics with a focus on dental alveolar bone and tissue engineering A. Role of periodontics in dental healthcare B. Advances in dental alveolar bone and tissue engineering III. Components of Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT) A. Tooth to jaw relationship in SFOT B. Jaw to face relationship in SFOT C. Tooth to tooth relationship in SFOT IV. Procedures involved in SFOT A. Pre-SFOT restorative care B. Surgical procedures in SFOT C. Corticotomy in SFOT D. Particulate bone grafting in SFOT E. Custom orthodontic appliance systems in SFOT V. Benefits of Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy (SFOT) A. Holistic approach to managing dental facial disharmonies B. Comprehensive treatment for malocclusions VI. Conclusion FAQs: 1. What is the goal of SFOT? 2. Are there any risks or complications associated with SFOT? 3. How long does SFOT treatment typically take? 4. Is SFOT suitable for all patients with malocclusions? 5. Can SFOT be performed by general dentists or is it a specialty procedure?
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